
Monday, November 1, 2010

How Is Ur Exam???? =="

In a small discussion after the 1st paper of exam. 
A group of beautiful girls are discussing about it.. Hehe, im included.
A: Ssah nya!

Me: Ssah giler! (monologue)
B: ko jwb apa soklan yg ada "ladder2" 2?
C: adverb.

Me: ladder? yg mn ek? ada ke soklan 2? 
n my heart beating like crazy~

B: ada la. yg dia suh parse ayat 2. 
Me: hah! ada ke? ak x nmpk pn soklan 2.
(alahai, hbis la mrkh aku!!)

In some other place, but still discussing:
C: x jwb ke soklan 2? jwb kot, tp ko x prasan @ x ingat.
Me: Mn ada, ak x jwb la. Huu. hrp2 ak lulus.
B: Msti llus pnya. Jgn rsau.
-Discussion ends there-

Aku, yg takut bcoz x jwb 1 soklan yg mmbwa 5 mrkah ni... Resah & gelisah!
And i said 2 my self silently for others, but loudly 2 myself-serve u right!
careless mistakes here and there!! spatutnya check la dlu krtas soklan 2.

PaDan MuKa AkU
Eh, before that, nk bgtau jgak la..
My beloved mother replied my message-she said (Mudah2an lulus la)


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