
Monday, March 28, 2011

"Memori semalam"

Pengalaman itu guru terbaik.
Tatkala berakhirnya hari itu, baru ku sedar!
Tanggungjawab yang ku galas bukan nya mudah, teman.
Moga hari mendatang lebih bermakna,,

Assalamualaikum pembuka kata ;)
Okay, it's been 3 days now since i left the school which i went for my SBE.
The experience there was a great one. And i have to admit that i learned a lot from the school.
The teachers were so good, they treated us well. Thanx a lot to them.
So, today,, allow me to show you the pictures ya =))
Snapped by one of the SBE member from IPG Sabah, Kent is the IPG's name if im not mistaken.
I also snapped few pictures, using the library's camera. Tau-tau je la, saya kan xdak kamera. Huu
Ok la, kita stop membebel dekat sini dulu. 

Buat tatapan mata kalian ^^,

SK LKTP Kumai!
top view,,

 ni dlm library, ada ruangan utk bercerita^^,

 laluan murid2 masuk ke sekolah!

 makmal komputer. line kat skolah ni laju gilers.

 office room.

 laluan ke kelas. walking is better than running.

 very neat.

 side view of pre school class.

 laluan ke kantin sekolah. makanan murah gamaknya.

 kat depan kantin, ada kolam ikan. nice scenery.

 dekat kantin jugak, ada pentas bicara. ala-ala speakers corner gitu.
specially for public speaking i supposed.

 also, got canteen info. i wonder what info is there.

just walk around this school. you'll find many painted wisdom words on the wall.

 beside the canteen.

 view of the school. =)

another view in the morning.

pulang dengan kejayaan. InsyaAllah!

Next entry, another pictures during the event of Majlis Tilawah Quran.
Waa, tak sabar suda. Haa!

Uploading pictures without using broadband is better than using broadband.
Conclusion? Haih ==". Whatever je la line nih.

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