
Monday, December 31, 2012

Before 2012 ends...

Assalamualaikum people!

It has been a long time since i last wrote here. This would be the last post for 2012. Tak sangka sungguh, cepat betul masa berlalu. Kan?

Last December, i lost my beloved father. This December, a year after that, it was my Mak Long's turn. How strange is that feeling, when someone close to you, gone. But, everything has been arranged perfectly by the one up there, Allah the Almighty. I believed in that. And i always pray for them.

A lot of things happened in 2012, be it happy, sad or mixed feelings. I could only say-- Alhamdulillah for everything that i've gone through. ^__^ Experience is everything.

New semester comes, everything needs to be improvised. Practicum, new subjects, new lecturers? Time to reflect everything. It's all about everything. 2 years more before we will officially graduated. How excited is that feeling. Hopefully all is well, as the 3 idiots mentioned it. =)